


ICF is mandatory for all passengers traveling to and from Suriname.
The ICF form can be completed starting from 3 days prior to arrival in Suriname

所有往返苏里南的旅客都必须填写 ICF 表格。
ICF 表格可在抵达苏里南前 3 天开始填写。

1Entry Fee – PreCheck | 入场费 – 预检
2Arrival Information | 到达信息
3Passenger | 乘客
4Destination | 目的地
5Health | 健康
6Customs Declaration | 报关单
7Form Entry Confirmation | 表格输入确认

如果您需要入境费代金券/签证前往苏里南,请确保在 VSF – Global 购买后再继续填写本表。您不能在抵达时购买代金券/VISA。

Starting from 3 days prior to arrival | 抵達前 3 天起

When are you leaving Suriname ? | 你什么时候离开苏里南?

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Ensure that both ears are visible, and refrain from using filters.

IMMIGRATION CUSTOMS FORMImmigration/Customs Service
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We strive to ensure that every experience, even from that very first encounter, properly conveys our appreciation for all our many visitors.
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Copyright by the ICF Unit.
All rights reserved.

Copyright by the ICF Unit.
All rights reserved.