OfficeParamaribo, Suriname
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Todos los viajeros deben cumplimentar el formulario de solicitud de inmigración y aduanas (FIA), que estará disponible 3 días antes de su llegada a Surinam. Puede cumplimentar el formulario en el momento y lugar que le resulten convenientes.


All travelers are required to fill out the Immigration and Customs Form (ICF), which will be available 3 days before your arrival in Suriname.
Todos los viajeros deben rellenar el formulario de inmigración y aduanas (ICF), que estará disponible 3 días antes de su llegada a Surinam.

1Entry Fee – PreCheck | Tarifa de entrada – PreChequeo
2Arrival Information | Información de Llegada
3Passenger | Pasajero(a)
4Destination | Destino
5Health | Salud
6Customs Declaration | Declaración de Aduanas

Si necesitas un comprobante de pago de la tarifa de entrada o una VISA para visitar Surinam, asegúrate de adquirirlo en VSF-Global antes de continuar con este formulario. No puedes comprar un comprobante de pago o VISA al llegar

When will you arrive in Suriname ? | ¿Cuándo llegará a Surinam?

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Take a selfie now. Ensure that both ears are visible, and refrain from using filters.

Hazte un selfie ahora. Asegúrate de que se ven las dos orejas y abstente de usar filtros.

IMMIGRATION CUSTOMS FORMImmigration/Customs Service
We strive to ensure that every experience, even from that very first encounter, properly conveys our appreciation for all our many visitors.
OUR LOCATIONWhere to find us?
CONTACT USHave a question?
If you have questions regarding the online ED-card, please visit our FAQ section. In the case that you are unable to find an answer to your question, please send us an email.
We strive to ensure that every experience, even from that very first encounter, properly conveys our appreciation for all our many visitors.
OUR LOCATIONWhere to find us?
Suriname: +597 427197
CONTACT USHave a question?
If you have questions regarding the online ED-card, please visit our FAQ section. In the case that you are unable to find an answer to your question, please send us an email.

Copyright by Online Customs and Immigration Portal.
All rights reserved.

Copyright by Immigration and Customs Form Portal.
All rights reserved.